Children Crimes and Media.
    Research Article
    P: 164-167
    December 2000

    Children Crimes and Media.

    The Bulletin of Legal Medicine 2000;5(3):164-167
    1. Kırat Üniversitesi Tıp fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabiliııı Dalı
    No information available.
    No information available
    Received Date: 17.01.2001
    Accepted Date: 20.02.2001


    İn tlıis study, 106 male children/adolescents (aged bet\veen 12-17 years, ıııean: I5.0±1.2) ıvlıo lıave been sent to tlıe coırectional institııtes for children at Elazığ were coınpared vvitlı 126 male students (aged betweenl3-18 years, ıııean: I5.n±],3) witlı siıııilar socio-econoıııic levels wlıo didn ı conııııit a criıııe before, for tlıeir media and music preferences and to search for tlıe difference of atti-tııdes tovvards ıııedia betvveen two groups were aiıııed.

    Hefore tlıey were sent to tlıe correcıional institııte at Klazığ. tlıese children,adolescents watclıcd TV for 34-39 lıoıırs week vvlıile tlıe coııtrol sııbjects lıave waıclıed TV for 19-26 lıouıs/week. Wlıile 51.9% of tlıe convicted children, aılolescents prefeıred movies of war and adventııre containing \ i<>|ence. tlıe ratio for tlıe control groııp was 25.+%. slıovved tlıe role of ıııedia on violent belıaviour. As a con-clıısion its necessaıy thaı tlıe invohed authoıities slıotıld take serioııs pıecautions on tlıis issue.

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