Evahıation of Reasons to Divorce in Divorce Suits Took Place in İstanbul, in 1999.
    Research Article
    P: 151-156
    December 2000

    Evahıation of Reasons to Divorce in Divorce Suits Took Place in İstanbul, in 1999.

    The Bulletin of Legal Medicine 2000;5(3):151-156
    1. Dr. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi lltılk Sağlığı Antıbiliııı Dalı.
    2. Prof. Dr. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Halk Sağlığı Antıbiliııı Dalı
    No information available.
    No information available
    Received Date: 17.01.2001
    Accepted Date: 20.02.2001


    3060 divorce sııits a re \\ itilin ılıe scope of this researclı, cvhiclı ainıs to evaluate tlıe reasons of divorce in İstanbul. Âmong .3060 divorce suits, 67.1% ol tlıcm (203.3) were broughı to an aetion by women and 32.9% of tlıem (1007) bv men. The reasons to divorce according to how Ire-t|uently tlıey \vere seen are; severe incompatıbility, lıeavy alcohol consumption. atteıııpt against life. tınıl \vilful ılescr tioıı in due respect.

    -ı 1.6% of divoıced coııples (1272) had no clıild. 40.4'fiıfef tlıese coııples (12.36) had 3 years of ıııarriage. İn case of lıaving a clıild. tlıe clıild s guardianship \vas mostly gıveıı to ınother due to his her yoımg age. İn ".(»'Sı (23-0 ol divoıce suits eitlıer motlıeı or fatlıer cvas registeıed to İstanbul as tlıeir binhplace. in 2S.2"a (86 ı) ol tlıe sııits coııples \vere both registeıed to İstanbul, and in (>4.2% t 196.3) ot tlıe sııits divoıced coııples \vere out of İstanbul.

    Divoıced coııples tınıl tlıeir children İave emotional and econoıııic problems after divorce. Tlıey also ha ve probleıııs of social secıırity, ıınemployment. edııcatioıı and sııbsis-tence allowaııce. Theıetore, dala evahıation proposed ılıtıl social support mechtıııisms of tlıe society ınııst be improved.

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